
Sunday, August 28, 2011


So... I'm going to Uganda.  People are like, "Why are you going to Uganda?"... I say, "Cuz I want to!"  I'm going to go work in an orphanage and play with the children and hopefully bring them some love!  I've wanted to go since I was like... 10.   I kept putting it off, saying I didn't have enough money, bla bla bla.  Then this past May(ish)  I was sitting in bed and I thought... "It's about dang time I go to Africa".  So here I am!  I got things all worked out with my running, lifey, money, etc.  and I'm a headed to Uganda!

Why Uganda one might ask?  After all Africa is all the same isn't it?  Isn't Africa a country?  Wait, you're going to Ugandiranda?  How is that in the country of Africa?  All questions I've been asked.

I chose Uganda because of the organization Invisible Children.  (Go to it will change your life!)  I'll bla bla about that more later.  But for now... just know I love Uganda and it's where I'm headed in May of 2012!  Woot Woot!!