Alright friends and family....
I need to tell you about one AMAZING girl!! Her name is Shayla! Shayla and I went to school together from elementary school all the way through high school. She is a college student at SUU and works as a teacher. She is the first person to donate to my cause.... and she donated $50!!!!! GUYS!!! DO YOU GET HOW COOL THIS IS?! A POOR college student donated $50!!! To me!!! I am floored!! And so grateful!!! What an amazing person!! There are good people in this world!! And one of them is Shayla!! Thank you Shayla!! You are AMAZING!!!
So I got to thinking.... How am I going to take all these people that help me, and donate, with me to Africa? Not everyone can afford to go, or necessarily wants to go! And that's ok! I'm grateful though for your support! I came up however, with this idea so that I can take all these amazing people 'with me' to Uganda. When I fly out to Uganda, and when I come home, I am going to wear a shirt with all the names of the people that donated and helped me live my lifelong dream! I know. You guys are so excited!!! Now you want to donate, right? Right?!
Well first to go on that shirt is Shayla! Thank you again Shayla!! And if any of you are just so inspired you can hardly stand it..... click on the tab up at the top that says "Help Me Fundraise" and click the donate button! It goes through paypal and yup!! Every penny is appreciated!!!
And thanks again Shayla!! Thanks for helping my dream come true! You inspire me!
super cool! Its nice to know people still care! I like that she has an Extreme Rhythm shirt on. Cloggers must be pretty awesome people.